Secrets of Sulphur Springs Episode 105: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Time Review
Harper and Griffin show up at the camp dance to help protect Savannah. In the process, Savannah ends up dancing with Ben when Jess was planning to ask him causing Jess to get angry at Harper and leave in a jealous rage. Meanwhile, back in the present, Griffin’s siblings are trying to catch the ghost of Savannah on video because it’s the anniversary of her disappearance and they are convinced she will be haunting the hotel more than usual.
This episode has me the most intrigued about the future of this season. Has the interference from Griffin and Harper saved Savannah or set the events into place that led to her disappearance? If they save Savannah, are they creating an alternate future where one or both of them don’t exist? Will Savannah actually be Griffin’s mom or will it lead to something else that leads Bennett and Jess being together as adults meaning Griffin and Harper are actually siblings? There are a lot of questions to unpack that this episode brought to mind.
Despite episode four being a little week, the series bounces back strong here increasing the suspense and getting me more involved in the story. There is so much potential and so many different ways it can go, and I can’t wait to find out how they are going to do it. I’ve said it before, but this is far more advanced than the Disney Channel shows I remember as a kid. Most of those were self-contained with little from one episode mattering in the next. This has done a great job of creating a season long story arc that keeps the viewer intrigued and entertained.
I don’t know if I want to see more than one season of this show. I feel like if this were targeted to adults, it would be set up like a limited series instead of being designed to last multiple seasons. But, as it’s a Disney Channel show, the creators are probably hoping it runs three seasons whether they have the content for three seasons of show or not. If they have the content, great, do it. If not, then, don’t. But, right now, I want to know more.
Episode: 4 stars out of 5
Series: 3.5 stars out of 5
What did you think of this episode of “Secrets of Sulphur Springs?”