In September, Marvel Studios is releasing a brand new original series called “Agatha All Along”, which tells the story of the infamous Agatha Harkness, who finds herself powerless after a suspicious goth Teen breaks her free from a distorted spell. Her interest is piqued when he begs her to take him on the legendary Witches’ Road, a magical gauntlet of trials that, if survived, rewards witches with what they need. Together, Agatha and the Teen pull together a desperate coven, and set off down, down, down The Road..

The new series will introduce Joe Locke to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  It’s not been confirmed who Joe will be playing, since he’s just being referred to as “Teen”.   Though many are expecting it to be Wiccan, who is the reincarnation of Billy, the son of Scarlet Witch and Vision from “WandaVision”.    In the comic books, the character can manipulate magical energies which allows him to alter and warp reality at will.  The character is also known for being one of the most prominent gay characters in the Marvel Comics and is married to a character called Hulkling. 

Joe shot to fame in the hit Netflix series “Heartstopper” and recently spoke with Variety about a number of projects he’s working on including a new season of the hit show, the new Disney+ Marvel series and appearing on Broadway.

During the interview, Joe spoke about the backlash to his reveal in a recent trailer for the show, that he will be playing a gay character in “Agatha All Along.”

“It was like, ‘Oh, why has Marvel done this campy gay stereotype?’  It really annoyed me because I was like, ‘You can’t ask for authentic casting and then be upset if you have a camp character.’ I’m fully aware that the Marvel fandom is far less nice than the ‘Heartstopper’ fandom. There’s going to be a lot of people that just hate everything about the character and everything about what I’ve done with it, and I just have to be OK with that”

He continued to say:

“Marvel fans are very open with their opinions. But they’re not in a Marvel show, so— |He blows a raspberry].  I’m doing the one thing that they really wish they could be doing. Sorry!”

Roger’s Take: Unfortunately, the introduction of an openly gay character in a Marvel show or film is going to cause some negative backlash online, but if he is playing Wiccan or someone new, that’s always been part of the character, so any complaining about changing an established character isn’t true.   “Agatha All Along” isn’t going to please everyone, but hopefully, it offers something different for Marvel fans.  Joe was fantastic in “Heartstopper”, so I’m looking forward to seeing what he brings to the Marvel universe.

“Agatha All Along” will premiere on Disney+ around the world with two episodes at 6 pm PT on Wednesday 18th September 2024, with a new episode being released each week.

Are you looking forward to watching “Agatha All Along”?  Let me know on social media!


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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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