The longest-running Disney Channel live-action series, “Bunk’d”, is coming to a close after seven seasons. During the summer, Disney released the first twelve episodes of the seventh season of “Bunk’d”, but due to the writer’s and actor’s strike, production on the final eight episodes was delayed.

Production is currently underway on the final episodes, though Disney has extended the episode count for the season by two, to increase the season order to twenty-two episodes.

“Bunk’d” originally launched in 2015 and is a spinoff of the popular Disney Channel show, “Jessie.” It tells the story of Emma, Ravi and Zuri Ross, who go to find adventure at the summer camp in Maine, where their parents had met for the first time.

Over the years, the cast has changed, though Miranda May has remained on the show throughout and has played the enthusiastic camp counsellor Lou Hockhauser.

Ayo Davis, President, of Disney Branded Television, said in a statement to Deadline.

“With a fantastic cast of characters and hilarious and heartful storylines, it’s no wonder Bunk’d has been one of Disney Channel’s longest-running and successful live-action series. We’d like to thank our talented cast, creative team and crew for bringing tremendous joy and laughter to kids for seven incredible seasons.”

Most Disney Channel live-action series rarely get past three seasons, due to increased costs and these types of shows usually only have a limited window due to the child actors getting older.

Disney is currently prioritising the creation of a new generation of live-action sitcoms for the Disney Channel and Disney+.

“BUNK’D” is executive produced by Erin Dunlap, Miranda May, David Booth, Valerie Ahern and Eric Schaar and was created by Pamela Eells O’Connell. Jason Shubb serves as producer. Disney’s It’s a Laugh Productions creates the show.

The previous seasons of “Bunk’d” are available to stream on Disney+ in many countries worldwide, including the UK, Canada and Australia.

However, due to the series being created before the existence of Disney+, the show is currently contracted to Netflix, though expect it to eventually head to Disney+ after a few years, as the series will move from a continued series to a library title, reverting back to Disney’s control.

What do you think of “Bunk’d” coming to an end? Let us know on social media!

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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