For Earth Day, DisneyNature is releasing a brand new film, “Tiger”, on Disney+ around the world.  This movie tells a compelling story and lifts the veil on our planet’s most revered and charismatic animal, inviting viewers to journey alongside Ambar, a young tigress raising her cubs in the fabled forests of India.

To accompany the release of “Tiger,” DisneyNature has released a companion documentary called “Tigers On The Rise.” This documentary gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how they made “Tiger” and provides more information on how this amazing animal has made a remarkable comeback.

It’s fascinating to learn that the Indian government is spending billions of dollars to make changes that will allow Tigers to roam more freely around the country, which is needed as Tigers’ numbers continue to grow.

Watching footage of a wild tiger roaming a city, but more impressive is how the locals have made changes to allow them to live side by side with wild Tigers.  But just as important is trying to get the message out to people about how to live with them, rather than just killing them out of fear.

It also highlights the issues with the increasing number of Tigers, which, as you might expect, has resulted in some Tigers attacking villagers near National Parks and reserves.  Trying to balance the need for the Tigers and locals is always going to be difficult, but it’s great to see how so many people are doing everything they can to keep the peace, allowing Tigers to live freely.

“Tigers On The Rise” is narrated by Blair Underwood, who you might know from “LA Law” or “Three Woman.” Blair’s commentary is one of the major reasons why I enjoyed this documentary more than “Tiger.” This is because the narration style is aimed more at older audiences, as I always find DisneyNature movies to feel a little childish. 

As with other DisneyNature documentaries, the footage is beautiful, and some stunning scenes are featured. However, as you might expect from DisneyNature, it’s still a little fluffy, especially when dealing with hard-hitting issues like Tigers killing people or cattle. In one scene, we see a Tiger having to be captured and placed in a zoo for their own protection. Seeing a wild animal lose its freedom just seemed to go against everything, though they do try to explain the reasoning behind the decision and show its new enclosure, which is hoped to inspire a new generation.

This documentary does a great job of showing the realistic issues surrounding the growth of Tiger numbers in India. It shows that not everything is rosy and that there are real issues involved in their protection.   This film also deals with the sad truth that many of the wild Tigers in India don’t survive, mainly because of conflicts with humans. 

It took the team five years to make both of these movies, and you can tell that those involved became so protective of the Tigers they were watching on a daily basis. 

Overall:   “Tigers On The Rise” is a fascinating insight into life in India, not just for the Tigers, but with the people looking after them and how it impacts locals. I really enjoyed watching this documentary, and for older viewers, who find the more traditional DisneyNature movies childish, give this a whirl since it stands on its own, within any need to watch “Tiger”.   For fans of the Tigers, this is an easy recommendation.

Rating: 4 Out Of 5

“Tigers on the Rise” is out now on Disney+

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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