During Disney’s APAC Showcase in Singapore, the company announced a brand new anime series from Japan called “Medalist”, which tells the story of figure skating coach Tsukasa, who is a man haunted by his past failures, works tirelessly to mould his latest student into a championship medalist.

Check out the teaser trailer below:

The series is based on the original manga by TSURUMAIKADA, which appeared in the Kodansha’s Monthly Afternoon seinen manga magazine. Yasutaka Yamamoto has directed the show, which has been created by the animation studio ENGI.

It stars Natsumi Haruse, Takeo Otsuka, Kana Ichinose, Yuma Uchida and Makoto Koichi.

“Medalist” is coming out in 2025 on Disney+ around the world and on Hulu and Hulu On Disney+ in the United States.   The show will premiere on January 4th 2025 on linear television, before being released on Disney+. 

Are you looking forward to watching “Medalist”?  Let me know on social media!


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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Roger@WhatsOnDisneyPlus.com Twitter: Twitter.com/RogPalmerUK Facebook: Facebook.com/rogpalmeruk

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