One of the many animated series currently in production by Marvel is “Eyes Of Wakanda”, which tells stories from throughout Wakandan history and follows brave warriors who have been tasked to travel the world, retrieving dangerous vibranium artefacts.

The series is being created by “Black Panther” director Ryan Coogler, and late last year, during a presentation to the press for the second season of “What If?”, it was revealed that “Eyes Of Wakanda” is due to arrive on Disney+ in 2024.  Though we’ve seen many shows delayed, so things could change.

Recently, during an appearance on the Official Marvel Podcast, Marvel Studios Head of TV and Streaming Brad Winderbaum teased fans with a small update on this upcoming series:

Eyes Of Wakanda, more than any other show we’re doing in animation, ties in the MCU… It’s both about the history of Wakanda, but it also expands into the greater MCU at different time periods. So, if you’re a fan of the movies, I think this show is going to be a real treat.

Very little else is known about the upcoming animated series, though it’s likely we will get an update during Marvel’s presentations at either the San Diego Comic-Con later this month or the D23: Ultimate Fan Event in August.

Marvel has been drastically cutting back on how many new projects it creates, to both reduce the amount of money it spends and also to improve the quality of its releases.  There have been many different Disney+ projects rumoured to explore the world of the “Black Panther”, but this new animated series might be the way they incorporate those stories.

Roger’s Take: The animation format for this series will allow Marvel much more freedom to fill out the history of Wakanda, in a way it’s unlikely to be able to do on the big screen.   There are many eras that the series could explore, and depending on how many seasons the show runs, the possibilities are endless.  Plus, they’ve also got opportunities to explore other characters from the MCU, and it’s also a great way of extending the “Black Panther” franchise while we wait for another film.

Are you looking forward to watching “Eyes Of Wakanda”?  Let me know on social media!

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Roger Palmer

Roger has been a Disney fan since he was a kid and this interest has grown over the years. He has visited Disney Parks around the globe and has a vast collection of Disney movies and collectibles. He is the owner of What's On Disney Plus & DisKingdom. Email: Twitter: Facebook:

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