The 20th Century Studios film “The Sandlot” will once again return to Disney+ in the United States on Friday 2nd February 2024. “The Sandlot” tells the story of what happens when fifth-grader Scotty Smalls moves with his parents to a new town, he strikes out with the neighbourhood kids, especially at baseball. But soon, Scotty […]

Shortly after the purchase of 20th Century Fox, Disney started to raid the archives, looking for family-friendly franchises to reboot for the new streaming service. This is why we ended up with some straight-to-Disney+ films like “Cheaper By The Dozen”, “Home Sweet Home Alone”, “Ice Age” and “Night At The Museum”. Way back in 2019, […]

The 20th Century Studios film “The Sandlot” is once again returning to Disney+ in the United States on Friday 7th January 2022. “The Sandlot” tells the story of what happens when fifth-grader Scotty Smalls moves with his parents to a new town, he strikes out with the neighbourhood kids, especially at baseball. But soon, Scotty […]

“You’re killing me, Smalls!” With that one line, one of the most beloved Disney sports movies for kids captured the hearts of many American children in “The Sandlot.” It’s the story of a young boy who moves to a new town and finds an amazing group of friends to play baseball with during the summer. […]