Later this year, a brand new Star Wars live-action series called “Skeleton Crew” arrives on Disney+. The show follows the journey of four kids who make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet, and then get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home—and meeting unlikely allies and enemies—will be […]

One of the many upcoming Star Wars projects currently in development for Disney+ is “Skeleton Crew”, which follows the journey of four kids who make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet, then get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home—and meeting unlikely allies and enemies—will be a greater […]

During the Lucasfilm Studio Showcase panel during the Star Wars Celebration event, some new details were revealed about the upcoming Disney+ series, “Skeleton Crew”, which follows the journey of four kids who make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet, then get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home—and […]

During last year’s Star Wars Celebration event, Lucasfilm revealed it was developing a brand new live-action series for Disney+ called “Skeleton Crew” starring Jude Law, which is being created by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford, along with Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. This project follows “a group of kids…who accidentally get lost in the Star […]

During last year’s Star Wars Celebration event, Lucasfilm revealed it was developing a brand new live-action series for Disney+ called “Skeleton Crew” starring Jude Law, which is being created by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford, along with Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. This project follows “a group of kids…who accidentally get lost in the Star […]

At this year’s Star Wars Celebration, Lucasfilm announced a brand new series for Disney+ called “Skeleton Crew”, which is being created by Jon Watts and Chris Ford. “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, the series will centre around a group of children lost in space, and be set in the “Ahsoka/The Mandalorian” time frame. Jon Watts revealed […]

During the Lucasfilm presentation at today’s Star Wars Celebration event, Disney announced a brand new live-action series is coming to Disney+ in 2023 called, “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew” “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew”, will star Jude Law. It is being created by executive producers Jon Watts, Christopher Ford, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. This project follows […]