Disney has announced that the National Geographic documentary film, “Sea Of Shadows”, is coming to Disney+ in the United States on Friday 11th November 2022. “Sea of Shadows” is a feature documentary thriller that follows undercover investigators, environmentalists, journalists, and the Mexican Navy on their desperate last-minute effort to rescue the Earth’s smallest whale—the Vaquita—from […]

National Geographic has announced that the documentary film, “Sea Of Shadows”, is going to be shown on the National Geographic channel, on Saturday, November 9th at 9 PM and it will be shown commercial free. It will be shown in 172 countries and 42 languages. National Geographic signed a $3 million worldwide deal after it won […]

National Geographic has released a new trailer for its upcoming documentary film, Sea Of Shadows, which is coming to select theaters on July 12th. Sea of Shadows is a feature documentary thriller that follows undercover investigators, environmentalists, journalists, and the Mexican Navy on their desperate last-minute effort to rescue the Earth’s smallest whale—the Vaquita—from extinction. […]