Before Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney created the character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Walt would lose the rights to the character before starting the Walt Disney Company in the 1920s. In the 2000s, Disney would re-acquire the rights from Universal in a trade that sent beloved sports commentator Al Michaels from ABC to NBC. Now, Disney […]

Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren continue their quest to stop Thrawn and possibly locate Ezra Bridger. Marvel provides a look at some of younger Groot’s adventures. And Ariel, Sebastian and Flounder take a new generation under the sea in the live action version of “The Little Mermaid.” THE LITTLE MERMAID “The Little Mermaid” is the […]

Every month Disney+ adds new series and films to the service. It also adds new seasons of popular shows that are already on the service. Let’s take a look at the Top 5 Films and Series. I’m excited to see each in September 2023. AHSOKA Despite debuting in late August, there will be a few […]

Walt Disney’s original animation creation returns in a brand new short called “Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.” In this one minute short, Oswald is going to a movie theater to see an Oswald short when he realizes he needs to be on the screen to kiss his love. Hijinks ensue as he tries to shoot his […]

It’s Friday, and it’s time to look at what’s new on Disney+ in the United States today, which includes the penultimate episode of “The Mandalorian” and a brand new series, “Rennervations”. Here’s the rundown: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Walt Disney’s Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is back! 🐰 For the first time in nearly 95 years, […]

Every month Disney+ adds new series and films to the service. It also adds new seasons of popular shows that are already on the service. Let’s take a look at the Top 5 Films and Series I’m excited to see each in April 2023. PETER PAN AND WENDY “Peter Pan” is the latest animated Disney […]

Disney has kicked off the 100th Anniversary of the Walt Disney Company with a brand new animated short featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.  It’s been over 94 years since Disney’s last Oswald cartoon. Created by Disney Animation’s hand-drawn animation team to help celebrate the start of Disney 100 Years of Wonder that marks 100th anniversary […]

Disney has made the phrase “It all started with a mouse”, and Disney has marketed Disney+ as “the Disney vault unlocked”, but something I have observed is the lack of Disney’s pre-1928 shorts. There are many missing titles from Disney+, but as we approach Disney’s one hundredth anniversary, I want to discuss the missing titles […]