Last year, a new Irish comedy series called “Obituary” was released on Hulu in the United States. The show tells the story of 24-year-old Elvira Clancy, who is feeling a little unfulfilled, although she adores her new job writing obituaries, but when her newspaper falls on hard times and her boss cuts her salary, she […]

Disney has released a new trailer for the upcoming Original series “Obituary“, which will be coming to Hulu on November 21st 2023.   The series tells the story of 24-year-old Elvira Clancy, who is feeling a little unfulfilled, although she adores her new job writing obituaries, but when her newspaper falls on hard times and her […]

Hulu is creating a brand new Irish dark comedy series called “Obituary”, which is about to begin principal photography in County Donegal, Ireland. The new six-episode series is about an unpaid obituarist working at a small-town newspaper. When she ‘accidentally’ kills a nasty piece of work in the town, she discovers she might have an […]

Disney’s Hulu is co-producing a brand new dark comedy-crime drama called “Obituary” with Irish independent production company Magamedia.   The series will be released exclusively in the United States on Hulu and on RTÉ in Ireland. The series will star Siobhán Cullen, who has recently starred in “The Dry” and “The Long Call”.  She will be […]