At the La Rochelle Fiction Festival in France, Disney announced a brand new original series called “Les enfants sont rois”, which delves into the mysteries of social networks and digital celebrity. Géraldine Nakache plays a solitary brigade leader detached from social conventions, a complex character. Alongside her, Doria Tillier plays with emotion the role of […]

Disney has announced a brand new series called “Les enfants sont rois” aka “Children Are Kings”, at a special Disney+ EMEA showcase event at Series Mania in Lille, France. The series will consist of six episodes are is an adaption of the novel of the same name by Delphine de Vigan, which is a bestseller […]

Disney has announced some of the cast that will be appearing in the upcoming French Disney+ Original series, “Les Enfants Sont Rois” (“The Children Are Kings), which the novel by Delphine de Vigan has inspired. The series follows a reality-TV has-been turned mommy vlogger who fills her social media feeds with daily updates about her […]