This Fall, the second season of Marvel Studio’s “Loki” arrives on Disney+. The series sees the God of Mischief, steps out of his brother’s shadow to embark on an adventure that takes place after the events of “Avengers: Endgame.” The first season of “Loki” was released on Disney+ in the summer of 2021 and is […]

This summer, Disney is releasing a brand new collection of shorts called “Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire”, which is an action-packed animated sci-fi anthology that presents ten futuristic visions from Africa inspired by the continent’s diverse histories and cultures. Executive produced by Oscar-winning director Peter Ramsey, these ten short films made by a new generation of […]

The latest drama series from ABC Signature Studios is “Saint X”, a new psychological drama “Saint X,” which is told via multiple timelines and perspectives, explores and upends the girl-gone-missing genre. It’s a show about how a young woman’s mysterious death during an idyllic Caribbean vacation creates a traumatic ripple effect that eventually pulls her […]

As Disney continue the global expansion of its streaming services, it has been picking up different types of content to entertain its subscribers, boost local content and appeal to a broader range of people. One area that Disney has been making some big moves is in the world of Japanese anime, bringing some popular shows […]