Last year, Disney released a brand new animated series called “Hailey’s On It”, which follows Hailey Banks, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager on a mission to complete every item on her long list of challenging (and sometimes impractical) tasks in order to save the world. Hailey will be pushed outside her comfort zone to discover […]

Last night, the 35th Annual GLAAD Media Awards were held at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, Hollywood and Disney’s animated series, “Hailey’s On It”, picked up the award in the Outstanding Animated Kids & Family Programming or Film category. The series tells the story of Hailey, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager in Oceanside, California, […]

Last summer, Disney released a brand new animated series called “Hailey’s On It”, which Hailey Banks, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager on a mission to complete every item on her long list of challenging (and sometimes impractical) tasks in order to save the world. Hailey will be pushed outside her comfort zone to discover the […]

Nick Fury continues his mission to stop the Skrulls’ secret invasion. Zoey Johnson is off to college where she is “grown-ish.” And America reveals more of its funniest home videos. Let’s take a look at what to watch this weekend on Disney+. SECRET INVASION In Marvel Studios’ new series “Secret Invasion,” set in the present […]

The world of Pandora makes its triumphant return to Disney+, a risk-averse teenager tries to complete her to-do list, and the amazing true story of a janitor who came up with some of the Cheetos love so much. Let’s take a look at what to watch this weekend on Disney+. AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER […]

Disney has released a trailer for the brand-new animated series, “Hailey’s On It!”, which follows Hailey Banks, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager on a mission to complete every item on her long list of challenging (and sometimes impractical) tasks in order to save the world. Hailey will be pushed outside her comfort zone to discover […]