Disney has released a new trailer for the upcoming film, “She Taught Love”, which is from Andscape, a Black content studio from The Walt Disney Company and ESPN that “explores the depth of Black identity through its power in sports and culture.” The movie tells the story of Frank Cooper (Darrell Britt-Gibson) has been coasting […]

ESPN’s Andscape’s next major release is a new movie called “She Taught Love.” It tells the story of Frank Cooper, who, ever since getting off a prestigious cable television series, “The Street”, has been coasting through life distracting himself with women, booze and blow while auditioning to play stereotypical gang members and drug dealers. But […]

A brand new documentary anthology series called “&360” has been announced by Andscape, the Black multimedia platform from Disney and ESPN. &360 (Andscape360) is a new eye-opening collection of documentary projects that expands perspectives and tells previously untold stories, revealing truths about some of the biggest sports and cultural moments of our time. The first […]

Disney’s Andscape has announced details of a brand-new documentary film called “Sacred Soil: The Piney Woods School Story”, which is set against the culturally historical backdrop of one of America’s oldest Black boarding schools. This film amplifies the journeys of several Piney Woods School students and staff members, providing a never-before-seen window into the ever-evolving, […]

Disney’s Andscape is developing a new movie adaptation of the Walter Mosley novel, “The Man In My Basement”, which is going to be directed by Nadia Latif, who will be making her feature directorial debut. The film tells the story of Charles Blakey, who is out of work, out of luck and on the verge […]

Disney’s Andscape will debut a new five-part documentary series “Algiers, America: The Relentless Pursuit”, is going to be streaming as a Hulu Original on April 19th. Directed by Jackson Fager (VICE News, HBO’s Fighting ISIS), the documentary tells the story of a successful high school football program in a community struggling with urban blight. Algiers, […]